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My engagement ring |
As you've probably
gathered from the tone and content of this blog, I'm a type A, go-get-em kind
of lady. So naturally, one of the greatest challenges of my life was waiting 2
years for my man to propose to me, when it felt so right from the very
So, good news! Almost
one year ago today he finally proposed. Need proof? Here's the
video: Surprise
Mountain Proposal *hint* ladies, always look your best...
hiking or not, tame the 'fro. OOPS!
Without further ado,
here are my 5 tips for how to land the guy of your dreams! Good luck!!
TIP #1: Give the wedding
talk a rest, and LIVE YOUR LIFE.
A girl who is always staying at home, bugging a guy and giving not so subtle hints- is a BORING girl WITH NO LIFE. Have fun, go out with your girlfriends, get dolled up- keep your network strong.
Check out this book by
one of my favorite advice gurus, Marie Forleo. Her book "Make Every Man Want You: How to Be So Irresistible You'll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself!
" goes
right to the heart of some of what I'm saying here!
You need to take care of
yourself, physically, spiritually, and psychologically. To have a healthy
relationship, and a healthy marriage someday, you need to reduce your reliance
on this man to make you feel whole and happy. That's too much pressure to put
on anyone, so practice NOW. Commit yourself to developing yourself into the
best person you can be, because that's the partner that your man deserves,
Feeling fairly in
control of my future is part of my psychological health, so I went ahead and
cooked the Engagement Chicken. It's a superstitious recipe, that gives you back
that psychological edge. Yes we women are crazy, aren't we. But hey, give it a
try! Cook the magical "Engagement Chicken"
And guess what-
those hints you are giving him may be doing you more harm than good! Read on...
TIP #2: Let him surprise
I had one big serious
talk with him, asking WHEN back in January- little did I know he already had
the ring, and that my asking would just serve to delay his proposal. It would
be another 4 months until I saw the ring!
Later, when he told me
about the way he delayed it, I nearly went crazy. All that waiting, but it
made a lot of sense. He wanted it to be a surprise and for me to stop
thinking it was because I asked for it!
BE HIS CHOICE. Otherwise, you might as well do a full role reversal and go for
the proposal yourself, but beware- most men don't appreciate being emasculated
at such a traditionally male ritual/experience.
TIP #3: Dating rules
still apply!
Remember when you were
trying to land him as your boyfriend? The key was to always look put together,
have a positive outlook, SMILE, be busy some of the time but not all of the
time... these are universal laws that still stand, and must be upheld to land
him as your husband, too!
TIP #4: Be realistic
This seems obvious, but
know where you stand in your relationship! This means without asking
about marriage. If he mentions marriage, great! Don't let Tip #1 turn you off
from wedding talk when he initiates it.
Honestly girls, if you
need to ask where the relationship is headed- then that's a bad sign. However,
some men aren't big talkers so you will need to pay more attention to his
actions. Tip #5 will help with that, so keep reading.
TIP #5: Know his
When he makes plans, he includes you,
but doesn't force you. If he truly cares for you, he may not always talk in
absolutes- he wants to know you're in for the ride by choice.
Personal example: When
my man told me he wanted to move out West to go to graduate school- he didn't
say "and you're coming with me!" He simply said, "I would love
it if you came too... But I know it's a big choice."
It was an invitation,
giving me a way out so that he could know for sure that I was the girl
for him. Not a test really, but a turning point! Think back on turning points
in your life together and consider how he's dealt with your relationship when
those changes happened.
That's all for now!
Something that you think should be added to this list?
Leave me a comment!! :)
sure to add your name so I know you're not a robot ;)