BeLoved Ministries - a new daily devotional to keep you rooted in love!

I've just started writing for BeLoved Ministries - an inspiring women's devotional lead by Aimee Kidd, and I'm so excited because today they published my first-ever devotional!

If you've never tried a daily devotional, why not start here? A devotional is a reading that assists in connecting with God. In this case, women are sharing from their personal lives how God has made Himself known. Often by hearing from each other, we find scripture more relatable, and it can help us see things in a new way or get inspired.

It would be a blessing if you'd give it a read, this is my first time writing a devotional and I would love your support with a comment or a click: 
God bless the child
My writing will come out twice a month on this blog, and I look forward to sharing how God is changing me in my upcoming travels. Also, some really inspiring women will be sharing the ways that God is working in their lives. If you sign up, you'll receive an email each day, Monday - Friday. I would love to keep you in the loop!

If you want to subscribe from your phone, click here and scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. There is a place to put your email and name, then click "Sign Up" ! If you're on a desktop computer, it's right there on the right!

Thank you for being so amazing.

Never stop learning, growing, and reaching!

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Content by Laura Gabriele