But now, for more endowed ladies, there really are some great options out there!
Bigger Bras.com is a great choice with a good return policy. They feature one of Oprah's favorite large size bra makers, Le Mystere, which True and Co offers but doesn't carry a large stock of the bigger sized bras.
Adore Me creates a personalized showroom of great bras and ships them to you no strings attached. If you choose to buy, your first set will only cost $25!

I am loving everything about it. The beautiful boxes, the selection, and the curated showroom.
You get the box from $39.95, (your first box is only $25 through this link) every 6th boxed set is 100% free.You don’t need to shop every month, all you need to do is visit your showroom before the fifth and either shop or skip.

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