She simply pointed at her skin and said "what do you think?" I think that says a lot about a nation divided. 😔
Jesus would NEVER make anyone feel that way. We have a LOT of work to do.
A man who lives, acts, and talks like Trump is not what Christians stand for. We stand for Jesus whose life and speech was much the opposite.
Christian friends, if you feel that God has won, mark my words: no one comes to God through law, they come to Christ by grace.
You must not rely on law to save the unborn, you must be a true friend to the hurting woman in her darkest hour. You must meet her at the well, or in the middle of people hurling rocks, and show her incredible levels of understanding, that's what Jesus teaches!
If you're not like that, if you don't actively support abused women or women on the streets on a personal level, you really haven't earned anyone's ear, heart, or mind on issues of abortion or anything else.
I think we will see what really happens. But don't be surprised if the outcome brings a ton of persecution to Christians, especially those who are now being vocal thinking that God somehow won through a political candidate.
For another perspective on this, I'd love you to take a look at my friend's blog Sincerely, Erin and her post entitled "Today is a Hard Day"

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